
Red Rock Audubon


As a local Audubon organization, we are dedicated to the environmental stewardship of habitats in the Mojave desert in a time of climate change.


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About Red Rock Audubon

Red Rock Audubon is a chapter of the National Audubon Society. The chapter was formed in 1976 and is actively involved in communities across southern Nevada. As a local Audubon organization, we are dedicated to the environmental stewardship of habitats for birds and other wildlife across southern Nevada. Red Rock Audubon conducts birding events, habitat restoration projects, education programs, workshops, and monthly general membership meetings. All activities are open to the general public.




Red Rock Audubon's Vision & Mission


“Red Rock Audubon envisions a resilient environment for people, plants, birds, and other wildlife in Southern Nevada, uniting all  communities to act as environmental stewards for the natural world, in a time of climate change."


“Red Rock Audubon’s mission is to bring communities together to protect birds and the natural world across Southern Nevada, with emphasis on equitable education and environmental stewardship for a resilient future. “
Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging

We at Red Rock Audubon declare our commitment to anti-racism in solidarity with those who call for justice, an end to institutional and structural racism, and implicit bias.

We are building our organization and its programs to be inclusive and accessible to our entire community.

Red Rock Audubon welcomes everyone, regardless of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, age, ability, national or ethnic origin, politics, or veteran status.


Red Rock Audubon Society acknowledges that our events in the Las Vegas Valley take place on the land of
the Nuwuvi people. We honor our relationship with the Las Vegas Paiute Tribe.
For more information, please visit https://www.lvpaiutetribe.com/.
For a map of indigenous Mojave land, please visit https://native-land.ca/.



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​RRAS Board Members


  • President: Zane Marshall
  • Vice-President: Vacant
  • Treasurer: Jennifer Dudek
  • Secretary: Deborah Schram


Contact Uscontactus@redrockaudubon.com


Committee Chairs & Directors

  • Membership Support Chair: Preeti Schatzman
  • Communication/Website & IT Chair: Vacant
  • Education and Outreach Chair: Alex Harper
  • Birding Events Chair: Barbara Beck
  • Finance Chair: Jennifer Dudek
  • Bird Friendly Community Chair: Vacant
  • Grant Facilitation Chair: Jennifer Dudek
  • Conservation Chair: Olivia Burns

  • Director at Large - Rainbow Owl Preserve: Jim Switalla
  • Director at Large - Social Media: Alex Harper
  • Director at Large - Conservation Specialist: John Hiatt